Staging Secrets to Boost Your Sale Price

Are you the kind of seller who thinks that staging is just another added cost as part of the process of getting your home ready for sale? If you are, you’re definitely going to want to read this. 

Staging is the process of styling and furnishing your home to show off its best features and help buyers feel like they could see themselves living in the property. 

Studies have shown that staging can increase the price that your home sells for. Instead of being just another cost, staging can make you back all the money you spend on it and then some!

According to a quarter of real estate agents, staging your home can increase the dollar amount of the offers you receive from buyers by 1 - 5%. When we’re talking about the prices of homes right now, that could be a lot of money. That’s not all: other real estate agents say that staging can increase those buyer offers by 6 - 10%! 

If your home is worth around $300,000, simply staging your home could kick your offers up an extra $3,000–$30,000! Staging is starting to sound worth that small upfront cost, right? 

Even better, there are a million different ways to stage your home. You can DIY your staging by decluttering your rooms, pulling some furniture out, and showing off the best parts of your home. Or, if you don’t have the time or the interior design skills to do that, you can hire staging out to a professional stager who will know exactly how to highlight your home’s best features. 

Overall, staging can make a big difference in the sale price of your home and can increase the amount that goes back into your pocket as the seller. That makes staging definitely worth it for any seller, especially for the small upfront cost it poses. 

If you’re looking for more information on staging or want to know who I recommend for professional staging help, just give us a call! PJ @ 604-725-1258 | Razaik @ 604-537-8447